Month: August 2016

  • Better The Whole Fruit Than Juice

    Better The Whole Fruit Than Juice

    A team of scientists from Britain, Singapore, and the Harvard School of Public Health have found that while eating fruit lowers the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, drinking fruit (in the form of juice) actually increases it . The study, which surveyed nearly 190,000 Britons over 24 years, found that blueberries were the best […]

  • How Great Leaders Manage Their Time

    How Great Leaders Manage Their Time

    The more responsibility we have, the more people need our time. As we progress in our careers we’re often in more meetings, on more calls, need to have more one-to-ones, and we have more areas across the business we need to stay on top of and drive… there just seems to be more. But the […]

  • Ten Steps to Positive Psychology and Optimal Well-Being

    Ten Steps to Positive Psychology and Optimal Well-Being

    Positive Psychology is revolutionizing how we experience happiness. Research-based and heart-opening, the tools and practices of this cutting-edge science have infused the lives and careers of thousands of people around the world with greater joy and meaning. Engage brain, body, and heart with a powerful combination of intellectual rigor, authentic connection, and physical expression—and find […]

  • The Habits of Happiness

    The Habits of Happiness

    What is happiness, and how can we all get some? Buddhist monk, photographer and author Matthieu Ricard has devoted his life to these questions, and his answer is influenced by his faith as well as by his scientific turn of mind: We can train our minds in habits of happiness. Interwoven with his talk are […]

  • Why You Should Care About Having Friends At Work

    Why You Should Care About Having Friends At Work

    Chatting over lunch and joking with coworkers may not seem like more than pleasant distractions at the office, but they could have an enormous impact on your work life. With employee engagement declining and more than eight in 10 American workers experiencing job-related stress — female employees being even more vulnerable to workplace tension than […]

  • The 4 Molecules Of Happiness

    The 4 Molecules Of Happiness

    Having a good nutrition plan, exercising regularly on Green space and enjoying a good nap are the new keys to nourish your well-being and your brain. ¿Do you know we are perfectly designed to be happy? Your brain has big natural resources to provide you happiness. We list the four molecules that determined your well-being. […]

  • Philosophy for Life

    Philosophy for Life

    In Philosophy for Life and Other Dangerous Situations, Jules Evans explains how ancient philosophy saved his life, and how we might all use it to become happier, wiser, and more resilient. Jules explores how ancient philosophy can inspire modern communities – Socratic cafes, Stoic armies, Platonic sects, Sceptic summer camps – and even whole nations […]

  • The Compassionate Mind

    The Compassionate Mind

    Decades of clinical research has focused and shed light on the psychology of human suffering. That suffering, as unpleasant as it is, often also has a bright side to which research has paid less attention: compassion. Human suffering is often accompanied by beautiful acts of compassion by others wishing to help relieve it. What propels […]

  • La mente compasiva

    La mente compasiva

    Décadas de investigación clínica se ha centrado en sacar a la luz la psicología del sufrimiento humano. El sufrimiento, y lo desagradable que es, a veces tiene un lado positivo al que la investigación no le ha prestado tanta atención: la compasión. El sufrimiento humano frecuentemente está acompaño por hermosos actos de compasión de otros […]

  • Talk by Satish Kumar on Wellbeing

    Talk by Satish Kumar on Wellbeing

    Born and raised in India, Kumar at the age of 9 became a monk of the Jain religion, one of the world’s oldest belief systems revering nature and all life forms. He became an activist at 18, influenced by Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence and land reform. His peace walk across the globe in the […]