World Happiness Summit® Edition 2020/2021 Cancellation Announcement

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The WOHASU® Foundation welcomed the new year with a lot of hope and positivity despite the numerous setbacks we have faced as a non-profit organization, a team, and a community. We had to postpone the 2020 World Happiness Summit® due to COVID-19, and we are now facing the reality that the global situation has not improved. The 2020 Summit was postponed in an effort to adhere to the criteria and standards of academic institutions, including that of our Host Sponsor, the University of Miami, as well as the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention and to prioritize the health, safety, and well-being of our attendees, staff, employees, and community.

The reasons for the postponement of the 2020 Summit remain and continue to exist and present a potential threat to Summit attendees, staff, employees, and the community. In light of the foregoing, we must unfortunately announce the cancelation of this year’s summit. Roger777

The WOHASU® Foundation understands and shares the disappointment of yet another unprecedented change in plans. We will continue to do everything we can to honor our mission and facilitate the cancellation process during this difficult period.

The 2020/2021 World Happiness Summit® was organized and produced by the WOHASU® Foundation, Inc. Future World Happiness Summit® events will be organized and produced by WOHASU® LLC, the organizer, and producer of WHS 2017, 2018, and 2019. daftar slot online

If you are a 2020/2021 World Happiness Summit® ticket-holder, you should have received an email with information about requesting your refund. If you did not receive this email or have any additional questions, please contact us at [email protected].

We appreciate your continued kindness and support.

In gratitude,

The WOHASU® Foundation Team
