Tag: peace

  • Relieve Stress by Coloring Mandalas

    Relieve Stress by Coloring Mandalas

    Adults have long used crafts to unwind, but why coloring books? Why now? It may have something to do with online access — and, funnily enough, the desire to unplug. Like children, adults need a break from screen time– and many are rediscovering the analog pleasures of coloring inside the lines. The therapeutic benefits of […]

  • A lesson that could help build peace

    A lesson that could help build peace

    Next week, Neal Keny-Guyer, Chief Executive Officer for the Mercy Corps since 1994, will join leaders from governments, the United Nations, business and civil society in Istanbul for the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit. The aim is to make the humanitarian system fit-for-purpose in a world where crises hit with increasing frequency, intensity and complexity, and […]

  • Dream Big and Achieve More: Lessons From a Nobel Peace Prize Winner

    Dream Big and Achieve More: Lessons From a Nobel Peace Prize Winner

    I’ve known a lot of visionaries in my life, but none have understood how big dreams lead to unbridled achievement like Kailash Satyarthi, co-recipient of the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize. A Nobel Prize seems like a big accomplishment, but the soft-spoken laureate didn’t let the award go to his head. The tireless advocate returned immediately […]