Tag: Practice

  • How Moving Your Body Keeps Your Brain Sharp

    How Moving Your Body Keeps Your Brain Sharp

    Compelling evidence shows exercise improves memory and cognition. For example, a 2010 study on primates revealed that regular exercise helped the monkeys learn new tasks twice as quickly as non-exercising monkeys, and researchers believe this might hold true for people as well. How Exercise Protects and Improves Brain Function Previous research has demonstrated that exercise […]

  • Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World

    Mindfulness: Finding Peace in a Frantic World

    The simple mindfulness techniques at the heart of Mindfulness for Creativity dissolve anxiety and stress and have been proven to enhance creativity, problem solving and decision making – skills that are needed not only by ‘creatives’ but by anyone who wants to optimize their work, life and overall wellbeing.
 This easy-to-follow, four-week programme takes just […]

  • How finding internal balance helps the natural environment

    How finding internal balance helps the natural environment

    According to Buddhist teaching, there is a very close interdependence between the natural environment and the sentient beings living in it. Some of my friends have told me that basic human nature is somewhat violent, but I told them I disagree. If we examine different animals, for example, those whose very survival depends on taking […]

  • Yoga Poses You Can Do at Your Work Desk to Relieve Stress

    Yoga Poses You Can Do at Your Work Desk to Relieve Stress

    Seated Backbend While seated with a straight spine take a deep breath and reach all the way up to the ceiling with your arms open wide. As you exhale, let your gaze slowly draw behind you and bend slightly from your upper back and chest. Hold this for a few seconds, release arms to your […]

  • Simple Tips for Sustainable Travel

    Simple Tips for Sustainable Travel

    Be kind to the Earth we’re all exploring. Being able to travel as a student is a wonderful privilege and opportunity to take advantage of; however, it can have an enormous impact on the environment and the communities you find yourself in. Some environmental negatives of traveling might be obvious, but are often overlooked if […]

  • A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill

    A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill

    “Happiness: A Guide to Developing Life’s Most Important Skill” is a book wrote by Matthieu Ricard that will help you to understand happiness as the deep sense of flourishing that arises from a healthy mind as well as a way of interpreting the world. Happiness in the West is still seen in material terms, as […]

  • Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence

    Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence

    Daniel Goleman, leading expert on emotional intelligence, gives a great introduction to the concept and practice. He starts by outline EI’s four domains, 1) self-awareness, 2) self-management, 3) empathy and reading others, and 4) synthesis and relationship building. After discussing the benefits of EI, Goleman remarks on the current growth of EI practice, gender disparity, […]

  • Relieve Stress by Coloring Mandalas

    Relieve Stress by Coloring Mandalas

    Adults have long used crafts to unwind, but why coloring books? Why now? It may have something to do with online access — and, funnily enough, the desire to unplug. Like children, adults need a break from screen time– and many are rediscovering the analog pleasures of coloring inside the lines. The therapeutic benefits of […]

  • The Habits of Happiness

    The Habits of Happiness

    What is happiness, and how can we all get some? Buddhist monk, photographer and author Matthieu Ricard has devoted his life to these questions, and his answer is influenced by his faith as well as by his scientific turn of mind: We can train our minds in habits of happiness. Interwoven with his talk are […]

  • 5 Ways You Can Use Mindfulness To Fix Your Brain

    5 Ways You Can Use Mindfulness To Fix Your Brain

    Researchers from the University of British Columbia recently pooled data from more than 20 studies to understand how practicing mindfulness affects the brain. While the researchers found significant changes in eight brain regions, there are two regions that are of particular importance to you. In these brain regions, the simple act of practicing mindfulness increased […]